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Where Do Germs Usually Appear in the Office?

Offices are on the breeding ground for germs if you are not properly maintaining them. They are a shared palace that is benign and used by multiple people so microbes can linger on surfaces. The office environment is a hotspot for bacteria and viruses. Here’s a deeper look at some of the top germ places in offices.

Where Do Germs Usually Appear in the Office
Where Do Germs Usually Appear in the Office

1. Desks

The desk is a personal space that only you are using, but it’s a magnet for germs. This is because desks are in constant contact with hands, snacks, and even personal items like phones and bags. Keyboards and computer mice are particularly prone to germs as they’re touched frequently throughout the day. If you are constantly eating the desk, the food will attract bacteria.

2. Kitchen Area

The office kitchen is being used by so many people. You are touching the microwave handle, refrigerator doors, and much more. High-touch surfaces can become contaminated quickly as multiple people use them throughout the day. The sink area, where dirty dishes accumulate, is particularly notorious for collecting bacteria.

3. Door Handles and Light Switches

Door handles, light switches, and elevator buttons  - all these are the places that you touch frequently. Others would also be using the same buttons, so cross-contamination occurs. Think about when was the last time these places were cleaned. Perhaps, it's been too long. People touch these surfaces without thinking they can easily pick up or transfer bacteria. It is the major factor behind the spread of illnesses like the flu or the common cold within the office.

4. Office Phones

Office phones are another common carrier of germs because they are shared among employees. The mouthpiece and buttons are often touched throughout the day, but rarely cleaned. Studies have found that phones can harbor more bacteria than many other office surfaces.

5. Restrooms

It’s no surprise that restrooms can be a source of germs, but the danger is in unexpected places. While most people think of toilet seats as the dirtiest spot, the reality is that sinks, faucets, and door handles are more germ-laden due to moisture and frequent touch.

6. Shared Office Equipment

Shared office equipment includes printers, scanners, and copiers that will collect germs due to frequent use by multiple people. Since these items are rarely cleaned, they can accumulate bacteria and viruses with time.

Summing It Up!

To keep your office a cleaner place, proper attention is required. Only this way can you avoid the spread of illnesses and give a positive impression to the employees or visitors. Though cleanliness is important for the entire focus, focus more on the germ hotspots where their numbers are high or where the risk of spreading is higher.  If you are following the appropriate cleaning tips, you will keep germs away from your workplace.

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