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Surprising Statistics: Just How Dirty Is the Average Office?

Do you think your office is a clean place? It may appear so because your desks are well-arranged and floors are freshly vacuumed. Sadly, it's far away from the truth. No matter how clean it appears, beneath this tidy surface are millions of germs and bacteria that most people are unaware of. Many parts of an office are breeding grounds for bacteria. Today, we will share some surprising statistics that show how dirty the average office can be.

1. Desks

An average office desk is home to 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Sounds shocking? It’s a reality. We are using our desks every day for daily activities like eating or even sneezing. When was the last time your desk was thoroughly disinfected? You would not even remember that. Studies show that an office desk can conceal around 21,000 germs per square inch.

Just How Dirty Is the Average Office?
Just How Dirty Is the Average Office?

And it’s not just the surface of the desk that’s concerning. The objects on your desk including pens, phones, and computer mice are frequently touched. This means it's a perfect breeding ground for germs to spread.

2. Keyboards

What is the most used item in your office? Perhaps, it is a keyword. A typical office keyboard has up to 3,000 bacteria per square inch, and a computer mouse isn't far behind. Its all because of the infrequent cleaning they receive. It gets easier for the germs to accumulate.

Crumbs and spills due to eating will find their place as well and invite bacteria to it. Plus, dirty keyboards and mice have a negative impact on productivity. Sticky keys and sluggish mice can slow down your work.

3. Phones

Office phones, even if its desk phones or any mobile devices can carry around 25,000 germs. Phones are in constant contact with our hands and even faces (bacteria on the face are a common cause of acne too) While many of us clean our phones at home, phones in shared office spaces will not get the same treatment. In offices, phones are used by multiple people, so the chance of spreading illnesses is quite high

A simple wipe with a disinfectant will decrease the number of germs, but most people overlook this quick hygiene measure. It’s one of the areas where a deep cleaning service can make a noticeable difference.

4. Break Rooms

The office break room is a place to grab a quick snack or relax for some time, but it’s also a prime location for bacteria. The refrigerator handles, microwave buttons, and coffee pot handles are touched by so many people. In fact, a microwave handle in an office can have more bacteria than a public restroom door handle.

This even extends beyond the appliances. Shared dishes and tables can all contain germs. Food particles left behind can attract bacteria that continue to spread.

Wrap Up!

Till yet you must be aware of how dirty an office can be. But you don't have to keep it dirty as it is. Germs are hiding in places, but fortunately, you can remove them through deep cleaning of the entire office. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help keep your office truly clean.

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